Crisis management

In an uncertain world where the potentially adverse impacts of the natural and online environment in which we live are ever increasing, it is becoming necessary for organisations to prepare for the worst to ensure that they protect their stakeholder interests and their reputations.

Taking steps to look after your people, the environment in which they operate and your assets is now considered to be a business critical activity to ensure that your organisation can continue to protect its brand and meet its corporate social responsibility and sustainability obligations.

RPK consultancy services offer strategic level advice, planning and training for numerous incident and crisis related disciplines:

  • Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
  • Security Risk Management
  • Emergency Preparedness and Response
  • Crisis Management & Communication
  • Business Continuity Management & Business Recovery
  • Environmental Management & Monitoring

Our pool of resilience consultants are selected on the basis of academic qualification combined with industry experience and they are drawn from a large cross section of the resilience spectrum including Law Enforcement, Medical, Civil Defence, Military & Government entities and the scientific community.
They also have global project experience particularly focused within the Middle East and Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC).